Nikos Huijgen

Creative director, co-owner

Good design is human—emotionally intelligent and logically grounded.

To me, design is more than aesthetics; it's about forming genuine connections. With over a decade of experience across agencies, freelance, and in-house roles, I've learned that good design is both emotionally intelligent and logically grounded. It creates a bond that communicates to both the heart and the mind. But the true magic behind this craft? The designers—visionaries who, with a blend of passion and precision, craft solutions that move you.

My expertise lies at the intersection of branding, digital experiences, and strategic marketing. I've seen how integral branding is in building something that lasts. It defines a company, echoing its purpose and values. In today's world where every click matters, a brand's presence must be purposeful, with a voice that differentiates and connects with its audience. This goes beyond logos and palettes; it's about emotion and story. Ever caught yourself rooting for a brand, and you can't quite describe why? That's the power of emotion in design. It tugs, it pulls, it makes you feel a certain way. Achieving that? Phew, it's like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

As we look to the future, design isn't about chasing the next big thing but leading with unwavering purpose. While the industry transforms, one thing remains constant—strategically applied creativity. My passion lies in using this creative power to help companies become more purposeful, meet the challenges of the digital age, and make a positive impact.

Looking for a partner in defining or carrying out your creative vision, purpose, or design strategy? Eager to start designing your brand identity or digital product? I’m here to help.
Let’s grab a coffee and dream big.

Interested in having a chat? We are always open for discussing new projects, ideas, questions or opportunities. And we probably like to be part of your event too!